In honour of 2010 I figured what better then a photo year in review? So without further adieu
January 2010
Don't they look like babies? Wait til you see December 2010 the morph from babies to children is insanity! Oh and for info sake- the shiner the Tank is supporting is the first of many in his journey to bipedal.

(I couldn't find a more sad photo of him this is to draw you in, I think if I had a donate money button you may click just for the mere fact that you feel sad for this face.)
February 2010
Superkid turned 3 and we were able to utilize the Frosty Fest backdrop as her party scene. Old Fashioned skatin' and hot chocolate were all that was needed to put a glorious smile on a little girls face. 3 also marked the year she received her very first locket from Superdad. I don't know who was more proud- Supermom, Superdad or Superkid. There may have been a tear (or 2).
March 2010
Superkids first Disney on Ice experience; The Tank turned ONE. *gasp! and he ate cake, ohh did he ever eat cake. The Superfam also partook in a trip to Great Wolf Lodge for the first time ever. We had a blast, though Tank really challenged us in the sleep department as well as Superkid's superability to ruin a good thing by turbo-puking EVERYWHERE at the most inopportune time (read: down Superdad's back at a restaurant before arriving at our mini-vacation destination).
April 2010
Spring air brought us a new cousin, and Easter egg hunts and cake pops!!
May 2010
Tank's first hair cut, abnormally warm temperatures and happy to be free of coats and boot kids playing outdoors. We Ontario folks typically look forward to the less clothing required seasons but this was ridiculous to be wearing tank top dresses and shorts before the end of May. You can't even blame this on El Nino, its all global warming baby.
June 2010
Happy Father's day to Superdad! He enjoyed his very own coffee mug (that I still use when he's not looking because I admit- I love a good mug) and his newest audio toy pictured below. Trying to snap photos of the Supersibs is getting more and more difficult with the amount of movement the Tank insists on. Even with the perk of a DSLR I am still left with garbage shots because of his new found quick actions.

July 2010
With Supermom back to work at the end of April there was no vacation time to be had so we enjoyed hangin around the house and trying to stay cool in the ungodly temperatures, a quick trip to African Lion Safari was enjoyed on one of our many weekend adventures.
August 2010
A neighbourly trip to Marineland, desperately trying not to melt, growing my new front garden coupled with my love of ornamental grasses and watching the kids grow into who they are today!
September 2010
Our master bedroom and lower bathroom finally got their facelifts, Superfam took another trip to Great Wolf Lodge sans photo evidence and our usual trip to Parry Sound was cancelled due to abnormally cold and rainy weather.
We're gettin' there, are your eyes bleeding yet from all this cuteness? Are you paying close attention to Superkid and Tanks morphing? Do it- scroll alllllll the way up and compare, did ya see it? Are you doing what I'm doing? *GASP. It just seems impossible to go from that to THIS.
Superfam celebrated October 2010 by fall family pics, fall trips to pumpkin patches, walk through Apps Mill and our favourite HALLOWEEN!
November brought Christmas preparations and a superfantastic Sleigh ride to see Santa and Mrs. Claus. Superfam went to Santa Town and boy was this a hit for Superkid this year! She truly understood the magic of Santa this year and it was fun to see that magic come alive through her eyes.
December 2010
Santa has come and gone! 2011 is so close I can taste it. Here's to a fantastic year full of health, love and success. 2010 was a good year and we are hoping 2011 is great! The past 12 months have been filled with so much growth and love its amazing to watch just how much change Superkid and Tank have gone through. I cannot wait to see what 2011 brings for these two nuts!