Superdad took a weeks vacation and I thought we would do fun stuff but really we used the time to get the house stuff accomplished. 2 new faucets, knobs, bookshelf and curtains later it feels a little more complete in the house. I had to point out to Superdad that we didn't even get upset with each other the entire vacation, its amazing how a little family time and having meal times at normal hours all together how it can get us back to US. We are praying 2010 means positive changes and new adventures for us.

I can honestly say I am dedicated to the 2010 goals. First up on the list of accomplishments was to get crafty. I think I am gettin it! What do you think? Kim if you are reading that frame is headed your way as a thank you for sending the Ergo sucking straps. Now to decide if I will take a sewing course or a photography course.

OH and how can I almost forget, over at MckMama Smallfry got a hair cut so it got me thinking... perhaps Superkid needed a new 'do'. Well here it is! Her ringlets were cut off and now she has a super cute 'bob' style, oh and her curls returned after last nights bath. She's one lucky kid to have such a versatile head of hair.