So yeah- she turned four! See:
Do you see that smirk? That smirk only arrived at 5:31pm- I do believe it is the smirk of a 13yr old girl trapped in a 4yr olds body. That is the smirk that is going to make me want to go on vacation at multiple points through the year. I mean I am all for raising a spirited and assertive girl, because that is what the world needs more of but because I too was a spirited and assertive only child female it puts an entirely new set of challenges in our life. Like how to survive til the end of the day without driving out to the forest. She's crazy. I'm crazy. We make a good pair.
Anyhow she went from being this fabulously innocent 3yr old:

My favourite quote of today was Superdad "please don't point your fork at me its very rude and daddy doesn't like that". Superkids retort was "um then look I'll point it at my plate and point point point". Thanks... Sauce. I watch the cogs in motion all day long and try not to laugh at her snarky short responses. I spend a great deal of time hiding behind a cupboard or turning my head to snicker. Oh dear... I fear for her school days ahead. She's either going to be the bully or she's going to be the ridiculed one. I really don't want either of those options but I guess I will have to teach her to be an empathetic ridiculed one. Raising girls is HARD.
Oh and as an update to the voodoo doctor for those who are interested to hear the outcome. Well... in usual Supermom fashion I am awful with follow through. I lasted 4 days on the program FOUR days. You know, when you make things taste like fish coated apples and Jaagermister there's a good chance people will spend the $100 it costs to start a regime and then never follow through just because a) it tastes like ass and b) it requires an organized person and memory to take things like fish oil at random intervals with food throughout the day, then to take the other crap at random intervals without food. So thats how they make their money. So now both Superkid and Tank are getting daily smoothies with fish oil. Hey- if I am going to avoid taking it then at least it won't go to waste!
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