Jan 2009- Supermom turned 30, yes thats right... 30 and pregnant F-U-N

Feb 2009- Superkid turned 2 gadzooks is that even possible? She still looks like a baby to me.

Mar 2009- The Tank arrived!

April 2009- We celebrated Easter as a family of four, and continued to survive the first 6 weeks of parenting 2 kids.

May 2009- Life is getting cramped at 126 Chestnut... The hunt started for a new house. 2 small children, a dog and Superparents living in a 2 bedroom 780 square foot bungalow was beginning to feel a lot like living in a submarine... Supermom was slowly being taken over by Supercrab.

June 2009- Slowly the house is being transformed into a house we love again, sadly we are too big for it now and must move on... The Tank turned purple, and Superkid enjoyed a trip to the Petting zoo...

July 2009- We said goodbye to our pal Phoenix, which was probably one of the toughest decisions we have had to make thus far. The house was ready to sell, and sold in 4 days... WOOHOO we bought our next house and the deal was we had to be out in 30 days... *gulp. Let the packin begin.

August 2009- And we are IN... Breathe in... breathe out... Do you feel that? That is relief and me, Supermom running laps in our new oversized space!!! Oh the glory, we can relax in the hot tub and enjoy our neighbours FINALLY. What would a long weekend be without a trip to the trailer? Parry Sound or Bust. We spent an extra long weekend up at the trailer it was just perfect.

September 2009- 6months???? excuse me???? The Tank is no longer a newborn... He's a full on rolly chubby baby and Superkid? she's 2.5yrs old... Not such a baby anymore. Where is time going? I swear Tank was just born.

October 2009- October brought Halloween and fun fall weather complete with a trip to the Punkin patch. We completed Superkid's big girl room and the upper level painting is complete... Now onto the rest of the house. Did I ever tell you we HATE painting?

November 2009- The Superfam continued to enjoy all the wonderful fall weather.

December 2009- Christmas prep, family get togethers, Holiday cheer. The Tank is now weighing in at a measly 21.9lbs and 29 inches long... I think he'll be larger then SuperKid at 1yr then she is at 3yrs old hahaha.

2009 was a GREAT year, lets hope it continues into 2010. Merry Christmas to everyone and The Superfam hopes that Santa is good to all and wishing everyone peace, love and happiness into the up and coming new year.
SuperMom, SuperDad
SuperKid and The Tank.
What a super busy year.............much love for the new year........